This article is reproduced from the discontinued, but much loved Mainichi Waiwai column by Ryann Connell. Read more about this at the bottom of this article.
Note: Japanese translation added at bottom.
A tendency for getting their lips around a Whopper has turned Japanese schoolgirls into Nippon’s naughtiest nymphomaniacs, according to Shukan Gendai (6/29). Kazuo Sakai, head of the Stress Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo, says fast food is to blame for the promiscuous behavior of today’s schoolgirls.
“Sex addiction, which involves having sex with numerous different partners over a short period, is related to bulimia. Fast food so popular among young people is absorbed unnaturally quickly by the body, making it easy for bulimia to develop,” Sakai tells Shukan Gendai. “Bulimia makes it harder to control the central nervous system and a chain reaction makes it easier to develop other addictions. Sex addiction is a case in point.”
This article is reproduced from the discontinued, but much loved Mainichi Waiwai column by Ryann Connell. Read more about this at the bottom of this article.
Special note: One of the right-wing Japanese sites that helped bring Waiwai down translated this article fully into Japanese. But, I think they got the title wrong.. They translated it as, 「母は、成績を落とさないために堕落する」, but we would’ve gone with, 「母は、成績を上げるために堕落する」, or just plainly, 「母は、成績を落とさないためにフェラをする」. The full Japanese translation can be found at the bottom of this page.
Dad comes home from an “adult toy store” and hands his wife a chastity belt. She nods and turns to the couple’s 15-year-old son. “Let’s go,” she says. They disappear into the boy’s bedroom. The story begins with Japan’s obsessive exam culture. A boy’s whole future can depend on the senior high school he gets into. Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all-determining entrance exams. Anything? Pretty nearly. Continue reading WaiWai: More mums going down, to ensure grades go up!→
This article is reproduced from the discontinued, but much loved Mainichi Waiwai column by Ryann Connell (Following article by Cheryl Chow). Read more about this at the bottom of this article.
Hey guys, wanna go “nampa?” It can be more fun than the rumba, and if you learn the steps right, you can score with a girl.
Nampa is slang for picking up girls. Nothing new about that, but thanks to the Internet, guys who had to struggle alone, and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous women that refuse to stop when a total stranger accosts them on the street, can now lick each other’s wounds electronically and in the flesh. A nationwide network of self-avowed pick-up artists linked via nampa Web sites has blossomed, Spa! (8/29) reports.